Scripture Scribbles: March 24, 2024
the Gospel
John 12:12-16
When the great crowd that had come to the feast heard
that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem,
they took palm branches and went out to meet him, and cried out:
“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord,
the king of Israel.”
Jesus found an ass and sat upon it, as is written:
Fear no more, O daughter Zion;
see, your king comes, seated upon an ass’s colt.
His disciples did not understand this at first,
but when Jesus had been glorified
they remembered that these things were written about him
and that they had done this for him.
the devotion
Bright green palms wave up and down, various colored cloaks spread out across the road, a deep red sash and pure white garments flash before my eyes. I look up as people yell out and meet the Lord’s gaze, soft, sorrowful, and gentle. We have arrived. Holy Week is upon us and we enter into the harrowing journey of our Lord’s Passion and Death. Fear not, beloved daughters, for the King conquers death, promising new life.
This week is full of rich traditions in our Catholic faith - full of mystery and wonder. Take time to enter into the mystery: the institution of the Eucharist, washing of feet, and perpetual adoration on Holy Thursday; venerating the cross or walking the stations on a day of mourning and silence on Good Friday; beginning the Easter vigil on Holy Saturday with darkness, candles, and somber tones that transform into light, Baptisms, full initiations into the church, and triumphant trumpet blasts signifying the Good News!! Every year we have the opportunity to remember what Jesus did for us and deepen our understanding of His love. Lean into the sorrow, embrace the Passion, and anticipate the new life we are invited to live, knowing the gentle gaze of Jesus will meet you in the bustling crowd.
Today’s devotion is written by Diana Giard